On 9 March 2021, Chargé d'Affaires Minister Yang Xiaoguang held an on-linepress briefing on the draft decision of the National People's Congress on improving the Electoral System of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Some 30 journalists from 17 media agencies attended, including BBC, BBC Radio 4, Sky News, Financial Times, The Economist, Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, CCTV, CGTN, China Daily, Guancha, AP, AFP, RT, Quartz, Phoenix Infonews, Nouvelles d'Europe. CGTN broadcasts the press briefing live.
In his opening remarks, Chargé d'Affaires Minister Yangsaid, at the moment, the "two sessions", namely, the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) and the fourth session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, are being held in China. These annual sessions are major political events in China.
Deputies to the 13th NPC are deliberating on the Draft Decision of the National People's Congress on Improving the Electoral System of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
He pointed out that, improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR and ensuring "patriots governing Hong Kong" is necessitated by the need to advance "One Country, Two Systems" and maintain long-term stability and security in the SAR. It is a constitutional power and responsibility of the NPC, and is constitutional, lawful and justified.
Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China. How to develop and improve its electoral system is purely China's internal affair, which no foreign country has the right to interfere in.
That being said, the decision has attracted high attention from the media. Many media organisations have called or emailed the Embassy for inquiries. Some people have misunderstandings on the decision or try to hype up this issue. Therefore, the Chinese Embassy has decided to hold this event to brief the media on the decision. I would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight about three questions.
First, why does China choose to propose the plan of improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR at this time?
Over the past 24 years since Hong Kong's return, the Chinese Government has all along fully and faithfully implemented the policies of "One Country, Two Systems", "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy. We have run Hong Kong affairs in accordance with the law, upheld the constitutional order in Hong Kong as established by the Constitution of China and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR, supported the development of democracy in Hong Kong, and guaranteed the exercise of democratic rights by Hong Kong residents in accordance with the law.
However, in recent years, especially after the turbulence over the proposed amendment bill in 2019, anti-China, destabilizing forces and radical localists in Hong Kong have openly clamoured for "Hong Kong independence". They used the election platforms of the Hong Kong SAR and the deliberation platforms of the Legislative Council and the District Councils, or their position as public servants, to blatantly carry out anti-China, destabilizing activities to paralyze the functioning of the Legislative Council and obstruct the law-based governance of the SAR Government. Some foreign and external forces brazenly interfered in Hong Kong affairs, and openly provided support for those anti-China, destabilizing forces in Hong Kong.
These moves and activities severely jeopardized the constitutional order and the rule of law in the Hong Kong SAR, posed a grave challenge to the authority of the Constitution, the Basic Law and the Law Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR, put China's sovereignty, security and development interests into serious jeopardy, and severely disrupted social stability of Hong Kong.
These moves and activities reveal that the existing electoral system and mechanisms of the Hong Kong SAR have obvious loopholes and deficiencies, which were exploited by the anti-China, destabilizing forces to seize the power of governance of the SAR.
In light of such a situation, China must take necessary measures to improve the electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR and remove existing institutional deficiencies and risks. This will ensure the governance of Hong Kong by Hong Kong people with patriots as the main body, safeguard law-based and effective governance in Hong Kong, keep the implementation of "One Country, Two Systems" on the right track, and lay a solid foundation for sustained stability and prosperity in Hong Kong.
Second, how will China improve the electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR?
Proper mechanisms and institutions will be adopted to fully reflect and implement the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong", keep the power of governance firmly in the hands of the people who love China and love Hong Kong, and ensure Hong Kong's long-term stability and prosperity.
In this process, China will follow five principles:
First, China will continue to fully and accurately implement the policies of "One Country, Two Systems", "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy.
We will uphold and improve the system and institutions of "One Country, Two Systems".
We will ensure that patriots are the main body to govern Hong Kong.
We will adhere to the principle of "One Country" with respect for the differences of "Two Systems".
And we will uphold the overall jurisdiction of the Central Authorities over the SAR, and at the same time safeguard a high degree of autonomy in the SAR.
This will provide a sound systemic guarantee for "patriots governing Hong Kong".
Second, China will firmly safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests. To this end, we will fully implement the Law Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR, uphold the overall social stability of Hong Kong, and resolutely prevent, stop and punish interference in Hong Kong affairs by foreign and external forces and the attempts to use Hong Kong for acts of secession, subversion, infiltration and sabotage.
Third, China will govern Hong Kong in accordance with the law.
We will uphold the constitutional order of the Hong Kong SAR as established in the Constitution and the Basic Law.
We will improve the relevant electoral system and mechanisms in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law.
We will organize relevant elections in strict compliance with the Basic Law, the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR, relevant decisions of the NPC and its Standing Committee, and local laws of Hong Kong.
And we will improve the ability and competence of law-based governance of Hong Kong affairs.
Fourth, China will improve the electoral system in accordance with the actual conditions in Hong Kong. We will develop a democratic electoral system that suits Hong Kong's conditions and reflects the overall interests of the society, and we will ensure the extensive and balanced political participation of Hong Kong compatriots in accordance with the law.
Fifth, the governance efficacy of the Hong Kong SAR will be improved to ensure the smooth and effective operation of the political and governance systems and mechanisms of the Hong Kong SAR.
Finally, what will be the specific steps to improve the electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR?
The existing electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR was established in accordance with the relevant provisions, and Annex I and Annex II to the Basic Law, explanations and decisions of the NPC Standing Committee and relevant provisions of local laws of the SAR.
China plans to revise and improve the electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR at the state level, and mainly to revise the method for the selection of the Chief Executive and the method for the formation of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong SAR. At the same time, in order to maintain the continuity and stability of the relevant system of the Hong Kong SAR, the revisions will be limited to Annex I and Annex II to the Basic Law, and will not revise the main body of the Law.
The overall design of the system will be centered around the re-formation and greater empowerment of the Election Committee of the Hong Kong SAR.
The size, composition and formation method of the Election Committee will be adjusted and improved.
The Chief Executive will continue to be elected by the Election Committee.
The Election Committee will be entrusted with the new function of electing a relatively large share of Legislative Council members and directly participating in the nomination of all candidates for the Legislative Council.
Through the Election Committee, the balanced and orderly political participation will be expanded and broader representation will be ensured in the Hong Kong society.
The relevant factors of the election will be adjusted as appropriate.
And a mechanism for qualification reviewthroughout the entire process will be established.
This design is aimed toestablish a new democratic electoral system suited to Hong Kong's realities and with Hong Kong characteristics.
A two-step approach has been proposed, namely "decision plus amendment".
In the first step, the NPC makes the decision on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR in accordance with the Constitution, the Basic Law, and the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR, which lays out the basic principles for and core elements of the revisions. Meanwhile, the NPC authorizes its Standing Committee to amend Annex I and Annex II to the Basic Law.
In the second step, the NPC Standing Committee, in accordance with the law, amends Annex I and Annex II, which will contain specific and explicit provisions on the new democratic electoral system. After the amendment to Annex I and Annex II at the State level is completed, the Hong Kong SAR will amend local lawsaccordingly.
Yang said that President Xi Jinping pointed out, Hong Kong's major shift from chaos to stability once again proves that, to ensure the steady practice of "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong in the long run, we must always uphold the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong". Only when this principle is upheld can the Central Authorities' overall jurisdiction over the Hong Kong SAR be effectively implemented, the constitutional order as established by the Constitution and the Basic Law be effectively safeguarded, and the various deep-seated problems be effectively resolved. Only in this way can Hong Kong achieve durable stability.
In fact, over the past 24 years since Hong Kong's return, China has remained committed to "One Country, Two Systems". Implementing the Law on Safeguarding National Security Law in the Hong Kong SAR and improving the electoral system of the SAR are both aimed at upholding and improving "One Country, Two Systems" and ensuring lasting stability and prosperity of Hong Kong.
China remains unwavering in its resolve to fully and accurately implement "One Country, Two Systems", to safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests, and to oppose any external interference.
We hope that the relevant countries will understand China's position on Hong Kong-related issues, respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, recognize the fact that Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs, refrain from interfering in Hong Kong affairs in any form, and do more that is conducive to the long-term stability of Hong Kong.
Chargé d'Affaires Minister Yang also answered the journalists' questions on relevant issues.
CGTN: Regardless of how Beijing presents this, the move is likely to anger some other global powers, including this country, the UK and EU as well, both of whom already voiced concerns about the plans and threatened more sanctions. I just want to get a sense. Does China care much about that and their further measures in particular by both trying to stop and punish the interference in Hong Kong?
Chargé d'Affaires Yang: Yes, we realize that some countries expressed the so called concerns to us, or some countries even threatened sanctions against us. The so-called concerns are totally unacceptable. We firmly oppose any sanctions, and the so-called concerns are groundless and unreasonable. Hong Kong is part of China. Hong Kong affairs are totally China's internal affairs. Non -interference of each other's internal affairs is an important principle of the United Nations Charter, and an important principle governing international relations. China does not interfere in other countries' internal affairs,neither can we allow other countries to intervene in our own affairs. This kind of concern in whatever forms is basically a kind of intervention in China's internal affairs. We will never accept that.
Talking about further movements or even sanctions by some foreign countries, I have to say the information they got was wrong. So the judgment is also wrong. Based on wrong information and wrong judgment, if they take wrong measures, they will not be accepted and it will be futile. It does not work for China. China is the number two largest economy in the world. We are the largest trading partner for over 120 countries. Last year, China overtook the United States as the biggest trading partner for the European Union. According to the United Nations, China is the only country that has the full category of industrial categories in the world. When we were quite poor and weak, we were not afraid of any sanction. How can we be afraid of sanctions today? So don't underestimate China's determination to safeguard our national interests. We have the ability as well as the will to safeguard our national interests as well as our dignity.
We would ask the relevant countries to respect China's position on Hong Kong and other issues and understand China's efforts to safeguard our sovereignty and territorial integrity. China is a peace-loving nation. We always follow an independent foreign policy of peace. China is no threat to any other country. We wish to develop relations with any other country on the basis of mutual respect, equality and win-win cooperation. Thank you.
Sky News: How is Beijing going to define patriots? You talk about loving China. And in Chinese constitution, China is defined as a special state and its chief characteristic is the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. Is this effectively a law to discuss?
Chargé d'Affaires Yang: Patriots must meet three main sets of criteria. The first criterion is that patriots must sincerely uphold the nation's sovereignty, security and development interests. They must not conduct activities endangering national security and sovereignty, which is the bottom line. Secondly, those who historically attacked the central government, openly advocated Hong Kong independence, bad mouthed or spread pessimism about China and Hong Kong in the international community, or even backed foreign countries' sanctions against China, are absolutely not patriots. Patriots must respect and uphold the fundamental system of the country and the constitutional order of the SAR.
Patriotism also means loving the People's Republic of China. In China, where socialist democracy is practiced, different political views are allowed. But things that endanger the country's fundamental system, which is the socialist system led by the Communist Party of China, is absolutely not allowed. To respect and uphold the constitutional order of the SAR, we must absolutely uphold national unity, sovereignty and security, accurately understand and grasp the superior-subordinate relationship between the central authorities and Hong Kong SAR, and properly exercise the SAR'S high degree of autonomy.Thank you.
BBC: I'd ask a very simply question. Why is the Chinese Communist Party so afraid of democracy in Hong Kong?
Chargé d'Affaires Yang: You said it's a simple question. But I think actually it'sa quite complicated issue of perception. It seems that you still have misunderstanding on the Chinese Communist Party. Chinese Communist Party is not afraid of democracy in Hong Kong. "One Country, Two System" is the best practice to ensure democracy and freedom in Hong Kong. Over the past 24 years, Hong Kong has performed "One Country, Two Systems"very well under the leadership of the central government led by the Communist Party. The Communist Party follows a people -centered approach that is putting people first, putting people's interests first, and safeguarding freedom of expression and developing socialist democracy are written in the Chinese constitution.
What we oppose is the destruction or the crossing-line activities of sabotaging the Hong Kong SAR and damagingnational security and unity in the name of democracy. Some people are advocating Hong Kong's independence. That has gone far beyond the bottom line and will not be tolerated.Actually that is the common practice in the world. We will continue to follow "One Country, Two System" in Hong Kong. Anyone who lives or works in Hong Kong must follow or obey the basic law in Hong Kong so that Hong Kong can still be a law based society. The "One Country, Two Systems" principle will ensure the long term stability in Hong Kong. Thank you.
The Economist: What is the difference between the basic principles of democracy in Hong Kong and democracy on the mainland? Obviously, the institutions and methods are different. You have National People's Congress on the mainland andelection committee in Hong Kong.In terms of the basic principles of democracy, is there any difference between democracy on the mainland and democracy in Hong Kong?
Chargé d'Affaires Yang: As I said just now, it is stipulated in the Chinese constitution that democracy and freedom of expression are guaranteed. Hong Kong is part of China. The constitution also covers Hong Kong. But a high degree of autonomy means Hong Kong takes a different political, economic, and social system from the mainland, which is guaranteed under the "One Country, Two Systems" framework.
What you said about democracy maybe different from what we call democracy. Democracy does not mean saying or doing anything you want because you must pay attention to the national interests and people's well-being. In every country, democracy has limits. In order to better perform democracy and freedom of speech, one must obey the constitution and support the social order, not to damage the normal running of the society. This kind of democracy will not be welcomed anywhere. It is our firm determination to carry out democracy and freedom in Hong Kong. But that democracy and freedom must be beneficial to Hong Kong's long term stability and prosperity and to the interests of the Hong Kong people.
Associated Press: Hong Kong has recently been dropped from the Heritage Foundation ranking of the world's freest economies. Isn't it a concern among officials at the state level that these political reforms could cause serious damage in Hong Kong's future as a financial hub? And if I may ask a very quick, separate question -- when can you expect the changes to take effect?
Chargé d'Affaires Yang: For your first question, my answer is absolutely no. The reform of the election system is to improve the situation in Hong Kong, which will guarantee the long-term stability of "One Country, Two Systems" and the running of the Hong Kong SAR government. This will also provide a peaceful and stable environment for all businesses. Businesses like predictability. We believe that with further predictability, and peace and stability ensured in Hong Kong, foreign investors will have more confidence in Hong Kong.
Things have proven that since the passing of the Hong Kong national security law last year, Hong Kong's security index has risen for quite some time. And due to Covid-19, the economy of Hong Kong suffered some recession last year. But it has gained momentum gradually, because it is undergoing a shift from chaos to stability. Business confidence is recovered in Hong Kong.
For the second question about the timetable, I think you can follow closely the National People's Congress decision, and its Standing Committee's amendment of the law, and also the Hong Kong SAR Legislative Council's amendment of the law. There are many steps. We don't have a timetable yet, but I think the central government will work closely with the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council of Hong Kong to ensure that this process is smooth and to have a long-term effect to really achieve its goal.
RT: As Joe Biden came into power in the United States, what does this mean for relations globally? Surely at this point, it seems inevitable that the Joe Biden administration is building international alliances against China. What's China response to that? Do you think it's more a lack of experience, oractually a concrete action?
Chargé d'Affaires Yang: It may seem not directly related to today's topic, but I would also like to answer your question. China always follows an independent foreign policy of peace. We don't form alliances with any other country. We follow our principles in the world. We have set up our goal of building a new type of international relations and work with other countries to promote a community of shared future. So it is our will to work with all countries for a peaceful and harmonious world. Cold-war mentality or joining forces with other countries to contain China will not work. I would urge the relevant countries to abandon the cold-war mentality and work together with China and other countries to address the pressing issues we are facing globally, for example, COVID-19 and climate change. China is unswervingly in its will to work with the international community to tackle climate change. Also on international issues and hot topics, I think both China and the United States and other countries have a lot of room to cooperate.
On China-US relations, we have reiterated many times that we want to build a new type of major power relations with the United States, in the spirit of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respectand win-win cooperation. The United States and China should respect each other, put aside differences and focus on cooperation.
With the United Kingdom, I believe that as long as we follow the principle of mutual-respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, we could have sound and healthy development of the bilateral relationship, which is also very important.
With Russia, China has very close relations because we share many similarities in our views of the world. Our two leaders have maintained close contact with each other. We believe that both China and Russia can work together as stabilizing forces in today's world.
Phoenix Infonews: The electoral system of Hong Kong is one of the hot topics among the UK public. In order to help the Britons understand the concept of "patriots governing Hong Kong", what will the Chinese government do in the next step?
Chargé d'Affaires Yang: I think your question involves two issues. One in the short term and the other in the long term. In the short term, many British citizens may have a wrong opinion about China's policy toward Hong Kong. In the long term, there is a perception deficit in the understanding of China. What we are going to do is to continue to engage with the British public, tell them about our position, our policy on Hong Kong, and to try to win the understanding and support from the British public. Today's online press briefing is aimed to achieve that purpose.
As we can see, in the international community, most countries support our position on Hong Kong. At the 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, 70 countries made a common speech supporting China's policy on Hong Kong, and 20-plus countries spoke independently in support of China's policy on Hong Kong. That means our position is widely understood and supported in the international society.
We hope that the media present today, including the British media and the media from other parts of the world, will objectively report Chinese positions, especially China's intention, instead of making negative reports on China. Most British citizens get information about China through the media, not through real experience in China. In that sense, we hope that after the pandemic, we would like to welcome more British people to visit Hong Kong and visit China, to see the shift from chaos to stability in Hong Kong and draw your own conclusion.
In the long run, we also hope the British public will fully realize the nature of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government. According to the reports by Pew Research Center and another independent research institution in Singapore, The Chinese government led by the governing party, which is the Communist Party of China, has won the biggest public support in the world, almost 90 %. So what does that mean? That means the Chinese government has won the wholehearted support of the people. If China and the CPC is as bad as some media depict, how can the public support the government at such a high rate? In general, we wish to continue to tell the true story of Hong Kong and China. We welcome friends from all countries to visit Hong Kong and China when the pandemic is under control to see China with their own eyes. In the 21st century, confrontation or clashes lead to nowhere, while cooperation is the only choice.
