Question: What are the fundamental guidelines for the Chinese government on the Taiwan question and its principles and policies towards Taiwan?
Embassy Spokesperson: Taking into consideration the overall goal of national rejuvenation in the context of global change on a scale unseen in a century, the Chinese government has continued to follow its fundamental guidelines on the Taiwan question and implement its principles and policies towards Taiwan, and made concrete efforts to promote peaceful cross-Strait relations and integrated development of the two sides in its efforts towards national reunification.
First, upholding the basic principles of peaceful reunification and One Country, Two Systems. National reunification by peaceful means is the first choice of the CPC and the Chinese government in resolving the Taiwan question, as it best serves the interests of the Chinese nation as a whole, including our compatriots in Taiwan, and it works best for the long-term stability and development of China.
Second, promoting peaceful cross-Strait relations and integrated development. We will extend integrated development, increase exchanges and cooperation, strengthen bonds, and expand common interests in the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. In this way, we will all identify more closely with the Chinese culture and Chinese nation, and enhance the sense of our shared future. This will lay solid foundations for peaceful reunification.
Third, defeating separatism and external interference. We will work with the greatest sincerity and exert our utmost efforts to achieve peaceful reunification. But we will not renounce the use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all necessary measures. This is to guard against external interference and a handful of separatists and their activities. In no way does this target our fellow Chinese in Taiwan. The use of force would be the last resort taken under compelling circumstances. Should separatist elements or external forces make provocations, or even cross our red line, we will have no choice but to take resolute measures in response.
We will always stand ready to respond with the use of force or other necessary means to counter interference by external forces or radical action by separatist elements. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the prospect of China's peaceful reunification and advance this process.
Forth, working with our fellow Chinese in Taiwan towards national reunification and rejuvenation. National reunification is an essential step towards national rejuvenation. The future of Taiwan lies in China's reunification, and the wellbeing of the people in Taiwan hinges on the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, an endeavour that bears on the future and destiny of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. A strong and prosperous China will be a blessing for all Chinese, while a weak and divided China will be a disaster. Only China's rejuvenation and prosperity can bring lives of plenty and happiness to both sides. But it requires the joint efforts of both sides, as does the complete reunification of the country.
We will join hands with our fellow Chinese in Taiwan to strive for national reunification and rejuvenation. We hope they will stand on the right side of history, be proud of their Chinese identity, and fully consider the position and role of Taiwan in China's rejuvenation. We hope they will pursue the greater good of the nation, resolutely oppose separatism and any form of external interference, and make a positive contribution to the just cause of China's peaceful reunification.