On 16 March, Minister Yang Xiaoguang, Chargé d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, gave a live interview to Jonathan Samuels with Sky News Tonight and stated China’s positions on issues related to China in the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy released by the UK Government.
In response to the question that China is seen in the review as the biggest state threat to the UK's economic security, Minister Yang said, “I noticed that this integrated review has drawn wide attention in the British public.” China is not a “threat” or “systemic competitor” to Britain, but a partner for cooperation. Differences in political and social systems should not prevent the two countries from cooperation. Major countries like China and the UK should not resort to confrontation. China is not afraid of confrontation, but never provokes it. In the 21st century, cooperation is the only choice. Confronted with pressing issues such as Covid-19, climate change and energy security, there is no reason for major countries to give up on cooperation and seek confrontation.
On the question that Prime Minister Johnson said China has different values to the UK’s and presents challenges to the UK, its allies and “open society”, Yang stated that having a political system different from those of western countries does not mean that China is a threat to others. The political system of a country must suit its historical and cultural traditions. China's current system suits herself best. China does not export its own model, nor will it copy others’. As the saying goes, one key opens one lock. China’s goal for development is simple. Internally, it insists on focus on the people and strives to enable them to feel more satisfied. Externally, China is committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind and making a safer and better world. How could China be a threat? Some accuse China of aggression or expansion. In fact, almost all of those accusations are about China's internal affairs or issues between China and its neighbours. China is defensive, not offensive. When those hawks like the former US Secretary of State Pompeo attack China as fiercely as wolves, why can't China fight back to defend its own interests and dignity?
On the UK’s plan to increase its nuclear arsenal, Yang said that China adheres to the principle of non-interference and would not comment on other countries’ internal affairs. China has always been an advocate for the comprehensive prohibition and complete elimination of nuclear weapons. China is the only nuclear-weapon state that is committed to no first use of nuclear weapons at any time or under any circumstances, and pledges unconditionally not to use or threat to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones. China has never participated in any form of nuclear arms race, nor has it deployed any nuclear weapons in foreign countries. It is hoped that the UK’s action could contribute to world peace and stability.
On the UK’s plan to send its new aircraft carrier to the “Indo-Pacific”, Yang pointed out that there have been reports on the plan in China, which aroused wide antipathy and opposition among the Chinese people. Regional countries should be trusted to have enough wisdom to solve the existing disputes under the principle of mutual respect through political negotiations. There is no need for countries from outside the region to step in and muddle the water. Some major countries try to sow disputes and call the region the Indo-Pacific instead of the Asia-Pacific. I wonder what they are driving at. The Asia-pacific is now the most populous and the most dynamic economy in the world. It is widely predicted that the 21st century is the Asia-Pacific century. China, as one of the core regional members, stands ready to work with its neighbours to safeguard peace of the region. We hope the UK and other countries from outside of the region willconduct themselves in a way that is conducive to peace and stability of the region, not the opposite.
