On 11 March, Chargé d'Affaires, Minister Yang Xiaoguang of the Chinese Embassy in the UK gave a live interview to Nick Robinson with BBC Radio 4’s Today programme and stated China’s position on the decision of the NPC on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR, and Xinjiang related issues.
The interview started with the passing of the "Decision of the National People's Congress on Improving the Election System of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" in China’s NPC with an overwhelming majority. In response to the question about democracy, Yang stated that China and the West have different definitions for democracy. The political system of a country should suit its national circumstances. It has been the common practice of all countries to improve their electoral systems in keeping with the times. In the UK, the parliamentary system has been in continuous improvement over the past several hundred years. Improving Hong Kong’s electoral system aims at ensuring the long-term stability and prosperity of the region, and “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong” with patriots as the main body, which is in the interest of HK people in the long run.
In response to the question of whether patriotism was equivalent to loving the Communist Party of China, Yang pointed out that there is a deep prejudice against the CPC in the western media. As the ruling party in China, the CPC follows a people-centered approach and serves the people whole-heatedly. Loving the country and loving the Party are entirely consistent in China.
Asked about his view on the British Foreign Secretary’s statement on Hong Kong-related issues and some British MPs' clamor for sanctions against China, Yang stressed that Hong Kong-related issues are purely China’s internal affairs and bears on China’s core interests. China will resolutely defend its core interests. The UK should not underestimate China’s determination to uphold national interests and dignity, and stop interfering in China’s internal affairs in any form. China is now the second biggest economy in the world and the largest trading partner for more than 120 countries. Sanctions against China will end up nowhere.
In response to the question about the so-called "persecution" of Uyghurs by China and whether China should be sanctioned, Yang said that BBC reports on China are full of prejudice and its reports on Xinjing are packed with lies. Do you know that Chinese netizens call the BBC the "British Bias Corporation"? The picture and video as mentioned are fake, and the claim of "genocide" in Xinjiang is extremely absurd.
In the past 40 years and more, the Uyghur population in Xinjiang doubled from 5.55 to over 12 million. The Chinese government protects traditional culture and religion, and ensures economic development and social stability in Xinjiang. How could one call it “genocide”?
The programme was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at prime time on the morning.